How to make Brigid’s Cross for Imbolc

February 2nd has many different names; it goes by Groundhog day, Candlemas, Brigid’s day and Imbolc. It’s a day that falls between winter and spring and marks the beginnings of that change. The days are becoming noticeably longer, some animals are returning and cold loving flowers break through the ice. This is a day that celebrates and acknowledges the first […]

DIY Magnetic Picture Frame

I’ve been searching for a picture frame for the fridge for a while. I just wanted a regular size frame to clean up the look of my fridge instead of overlapping papers and pictures all stuck on haphazardly. I have had 0 luck though and instead I found a wooden crafting picture frame for $1.99 at Michael’s. It’s just a […]

Fleece Baby Booties

One problem I have come up against time and time again is bare ankles. Both my kids have spent a great deal of time in one carrier or another, and no matter the kid or the carrier the pants always ride up and leave chilly and exposed their sweet chubby baby ankles. I’ve dealt with this by tucking pant legs […]