Sculpting with Paper Mache clay

Sculpting with paper mache, using paper mache clay in place of other sculpting materials. I’ve had this project in mind for the last year or so but I went back and forth on what to use to make it. I like sculpting with polymer clay but it needs to be baked and for this project that wasn’t possible. I considered […]

Making a custom toddler T-shirt with fabric markers

There are a ton of different ways to make a t-shirt custom. Fabric markers is one of the easiest! The options are nearly endless. For this project I use crayola fabric markers which are the cheapest on the market, yet they work great. Everytime I make something, especially clothing, I find it goes one of two ways: I hate or […]

Costume Creation: Upcycled

The stores are filled with costumes, usually repetitive and sometimes boring. All of them eye catching and elaborate at first glance but up close they are lacking. The materials are cheap and uncomfortable, the dimensions are weird making them never quite look right, however my biggest issue is the price tag. Those suckers aren’t cheap! If it’s for a kid […]